How you can take advantage of the massive opportunity with Payday Offers, plus the best Channels and Tactics for promotion.
It’s no secret that the Lending Industry is vast. There’s a loan for just about every type of consumer. At LeadsMarket, we’ve learned what are the different ingredients of success within the small-dollar loan market. As such, we have the tools and knowledge to help you succeed in this vertical, whenever you promote our offers.
What Loan Types Are in This Market?
These loans are typically for those that have low credit scores. Within this subset in the lending market, there are installment loans and payday loans. In the case of Payday Loans specifically, there’s a huge market for them.

Here Are Some Quick Statistics:
Approximately 12 million Americans use payday loans each year. Some of the key demographics for these consumers is:
- Are aged between 25 and 49
- Have obtained a High School Education
- Their Income is around $15,000 to $25,000 a year
- Rent properties rather than owning
Additionally, around 69 percent of people who take out Payday loans use the money to cover recurring expenses, like credit cards, rent, bills, and food. This fact means that when a person seeks out these types of loans, they will likely come back for more and recommend others! Remarketing to these consumers is essential to recapture their business time and time again.
About 16 percent of payday loan borrowers use the money for unexpected and sudden costs. Be it recurring costs or an unforeseen emergency, there’s ample opportunity to find consumers using our offers!
What are the Regulations Within This Vertical?
As with any product within the Lending Industry, they are subject to strict regulation. Payday loans are no different; if anything, they are even more strictly regulated. For example, New York State prohibits Payday Loans. It may be in your best interest to skip these demographics.
It’s important to keep regulations and the agencies that enforce them in the back of your mind when creating campaigns. At LeadsMarket, we have the tools and know-how to provide offers that comply with all federal regulations.
What are the Top Channels and Tactics?
Now to the meat and potatoes of this post! Within this vertical, there are 2 main ways to reach consumers. One is through acquisition, the other is remarketing. Both have their particular sets of recipes for success and regulations, so we’ll explain those more in-depth below.
Acquisition in this industry refers to that initial contact of when a unique borrower reaches out and begins going down the consumer funnel. One of the best ways to capture these leads is through PPC (Pay Per Click). The most important marketing channels in this space are Google Ads and Bing Ads.

PPC Campaigns
Naturally, Google has the most search volume of any search engine online. Chances are, if you’re promoting on Google, the bulk of potential leads will see it. However, there are some restrictions in place. As of the moment of this publication, Google has banned long-tail keywords. That’s not the case with Bing. However, while they do allow long-tail keywords, the Cost Per Acquisition is lower.

One of the best tactics to be successful with PPC campaigns is to bid on a direct lender and don’t include the brand in the ad copy. That said, most of the traffic online is driven by organic listings, using paid and organic searches. They also have a heavy emphasis on direct lender brands now, with the main keywords being:
- Payday loans
- Payday loans online
- Payday loans near me
- Payday loans no credit check
- Best online payday loans

SEO Optimization
Another way to improve acquisition via PPC campaigns is to ensure they are Search Engine Optimized. How do you optimize for SEO? Here are some tips to improve those search results:
- Use landing pages, since they’re more successful than linking to the homepage.
- Comparison tables don’t fare as well when compared to pages that send the user directly to a lender.
- Links are critical! Private Blog Networks do this very well, although they might use keywords that are unrelated to loans and finance, so something to keep in mind.
- Bad Credit is a term that’s increasing in search volume. Be sure to add it to your keywords and content.
- Including trust signals like calculators and loan information are crucial to success.
SEO GEO Tactic
Another way affiliates are optimizing for SEO is by utilizing affiliate marketing in local maps. You can do this by making a local map placement for each city. You can then rank higher by including many positive reviews and engagement. Marking each town with an individual sub-ID will allow you to see which search result is performing the best.
Facebook Ads
And finally, we’ve reached Facebook Ads. As of late, it has become an even harder market to break into. A considerable part of this is due to the platform blocking many types of ads, ranging from the lending industry to the housing market. An additional update to this policy has also placed a limitation on targeting ads within a certain age and gender demographic. As such, Facebook will become a more of a remarketing lever, with heavy use of pixel and events segmentation, utilizing audience windows.
Once you have captured a lead, it’s not a one-and-done deal! Remarketing to those consumers will turn them into return customers.
What’s Remarketing? Remarketing is the practice of further monetizing previous leads that you have captured from previous acquisition campaigns. Since around 69 percent of consumers who sought a payday loan did so to cover recurring costs, so there’s a massive market out there!
SMS Channel
One of the most prominent and effective ways to reach these consumers is through the SMS Channel. It generates massive traffic and revenue for payday offers, but be wary! There are stringent laws and regulations in place, so ensuring you are compliant is VITAL. Neglecting to do so will expose you to costly fines and lawsuits, so don’t expose yourself!
Let’s talk about TCPA Compliance
TCPA Compliance needs to be top of mind in this channel. If you’re going to launch an SMS remarketing campaign, here’s a checklist of the most important things you need to include:
- An opt-in feature that ensures that consumers are clearly giving consent to receive SMS messages. The consent language must be above the Call-to-action button.
- An Opt-Out feature within each SMS that says Txt STOP to stop.
- Ensure that the messages are sent according to the recipient’s timezone, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
- Keep detailed logs of records of advertisements, consent disclosures, and consumer consents
- Honor any and all consumer requests to opt-out.
- Ensure your messages are concise and accurate.
It’s also of the utmost importance to avoid misleading, confusing, or ambiguous language like:
- We find you the best lender.
- We search the lowest rates.
- We match you with the lender based on your circumstances.
- Get matched to the best lenders with great rates
- No Credit Check
- We will approve your loan
If you use our landing pages or any of our other creatives for your campaigns, you never have to worry!
Email Campaigns
In today’s digital space, it’s become increasingly challenging to deliver Payday offers into consumer’s email inboxes. If you decide to explore this channel, these a few crucial factors that you should consider:
- Make sure you are CAN-SPAM compliant.
- Gmail filters are more and more about engagement and have become the majority.
- Use transactional style phrases in your email copy, like “welcome” or “login.”
- Use new domains with our templates or themes.
CAN-SPAM Compliance
On the subject of CAN-SPAM Compliance, here are a few key factors to keep top of mind when creating your email copies:
- Don’t use false or misleading header information.
- Don’t use deceptive subject lines.
- Identify the message as an ad.
- Tell recipients your location.
- Include an opt-out feature for consumers to stop receiving future emails from you.
- Always honor opt-out requests promptly.
- Monitor what others are doing on your behalf.
Push Notifications
Another popular remarketing tool you could use is Push Notifications. These are small messages that can reach audiences anywhere and anytime, usually through apps and web browsers. Within this channel, there are two big players, OneSignal and TruePush. OneSignal is the oldest vendor, so it has the most significant reach and the most features. You can start for free and upgrade to one of their paid subscriptions to handle more traffic. On the other hand, TruePush offers a free for life solution with similar features, so it’s also a fantastic option!
The way to set up this type of campaign is to:
- Place worker file on a root domain
- Place Javascript tag on all pages on a website
- Setup triggers and messaging based on either time or behavior of the last time lead was submitted.
Facebook Ads Remarketing
And again, we have reached Facebook Ads. As we mentioned previously, they aren’t ideal for acquisition but work great for remarketing campaigns. The idea is to get top-of-mind awareness for users that abandon your forms or have had some time pass since last lead submission. The ads work similarly to e-commerce “cart abandonment” campaigns.
The best setup for this channel is to place pixel ads across as many pages on the website. After that, you set up audiences with the people who hit the landing page, reached the form page, but didn’t fire a lead event. Within those audiences, one of the most effective is those in the window of under five days. Those who last submitted a lead over 25 days ago also have higher conversion rates.
While these might be the most common channels for digital marketing, we often collaborate with our publisher affiliate partners to explore new avenues and channels. As we have demonstrated, there’s a vast market and a lot of money to be made if you harness these digital channels and use them to your advantage. Our Publisher Affiliate Program aims to do just that, so check us out and put us to the test!
While these might be the most common channels for digital marketing, we often collaborate with our publisher affiliate partners to explore new avenues and channels. As we have demonstrated, there’s a vast market and a lot of money to be made if you harness these digital channels and use them to your advantage. Our Publisher Affiliate Program aims to do just that, so check us out and put us to the test!